Joe Freddoso hosting a webinar about Federal Broadband Infrastructure.

Developing a Strategy for Federal Broadband Infrastructure with Joe Freddoso

There is not a comfort level in local government with broadband infrastructure like there is with water, sewer and transportation. Mainly because broadband infrastructure has been privately funded over time and private sector service providers are involved.

However, now we are at an unprecedented time in terms of federal funding availability, where it is crucial to leverage funding for federal broadband infrastructure. This webinar will help you be a translator for your local government leaders so that they feel comfortable developing a strategy for federal broadband infrastructure that serves the government and breaks the digital divides in their community.

In two parts, Joe will cover the definition of the federal funding streams, how to work in tandem with these federal funding streams and help your public sector leaders develop a strategy for improving broadband services in their community.

Joe Freddoso – The Federal Show Part 1

In the first part of this webinar, Joe talks about funding streams and the process of developing an overall strategy.

Joe Freddoso

Joe Freddoso – The Federal Show Part 2

In this part of the webinar, Joe gives real-life examples of cities, counties and towns using or thinking about strategically leveraging the federal funding programs and implementing solutions today.

Joe Freddoso