Multi-Service Platforms

Improve Operational Efficiency While Adding Increased Functionality and Flexibility

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Multi-service platforms provide more than one distinct communications service type over the same physical infrastructure, thereby simplifying operations and dramatically reducing both CAPEX and OPEX while helping to bring new services to market quickly and cost-effectively. The term “multi-service” suggests not only the existence of multiple traffic types within the network but also the ability of a single network to support all of these applications without compromising the quality of service for any of them.

Netsync designs next-generation multi-service platforms that provide carrier-grade, Layer 3 awareness, such as IP and MPLS, in addition to traditional Layer 2 services. These next-generation platforms improve the operational efficiency of the network while adding increased functionality and flexibility. They also allow service providers to respond to technology changes rapidly which, in turn, allows their customers to adopt new services at a much faster rate.

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Partners Involved

Red Hat
Juniper Networks

Practices Involved

Enterprise Networking

Scalable, Unified Networks that Provide Security and Flexibility

Netsync designs and implements enterprise-class networks for organizations of all sizes.

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24x7x365 Network Operations Center (NOC)

Let Netsync Manage, Control and Monitor Your Systems

Netsync provides central monitoring and management of systems, allowing you to focus on critical business initiatives.

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Managed Security Services Center (MSSC)

Your First Line of Defense Against Cyberattacks

Netsync's security analysts and engineers work closely with incident response teams to ensure quick and efficient issue resolution.

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Managed Services

Managed Services Scale With You, Providing Peace of Mind

Netsync Managed Services can quickly respond to and remediate incidents, while driving efficiencies.

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Public and Private Cloud

Utilizing Multiple Platforms to Meet Business Goals

Netsync is ready to help you navigate the decision between private and public cloud, based on your unique business requirements.

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Wireless & Mobility

Identifying Unique Wireless Demands and Mobility Needs

Netsync works closely with businesses to identify unique wireless demands and mobility needs.

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Customer Success Story

Case Study: Network Audit Paves the Way for an Enhanced Collaboration Solution

One of the Largest School Districts in Texas Needed a Better Solution Installed with Zero Service Disruptions