Olympus for Schools

When Seconds Count, Trust Olympus

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Educating students comes with responsibilities that extend well beyond reading, writing, and arithmetic. Parents, teachers, administrators, and students expect education to take place in a safe and secure learning environment.

When schools are struck by natural disasters, bad weather, or manmade tragedies, it’s critical that lines of communication remain open between educators, parents, and students. Clear communications lead to actions and initiate responses when students and parents are alerted to upcoming exams, low lunch account balances, fire alarms, or pending report cards. To achieve this level of communication, educators are turning to Olympus by Netsync.

Olympus integrates schools’ legacy security platform, video surveillance cameras, and access control systems with collaboration and unified communications tools into a hybrid-cloud architecture. That’s peace of mind for students, educators, and parents.

Netsync developed Olympus by first conducting in-depth research with educators and community leaders to learn the scope of the challenge. Netsync then designed a cohesive network to link disparate systems together and selected solutions from Cisco and Singlewire Software to complete a specialized platform that ensures technology works together and automates workflows. Olympus integrated Cisco Unified Communications (UC) with Singlewire InformaCast, combining the industry’s best collaboration and VoIP solution with the leading mass emergency notification system.

And when those components work in concert with surveillance cameras, gunshot detection, access control systems, and automation, you have a solution that students, educators, and parents have been expecting.

Example School Lockdown Protocol

  • Recognize alert
  • Engage automation
  • Lock down school exterior doors and all hallways
  • Turn off all room lighting
  • Send notification to all classrooms — annunciator, phone, text message, and email
  • Digital signage displays what to do
  • Turn on strobes/sirens
  • Lock down all classrooms
  • Display school map highlighting situation areas for administration
  • Notify law enforcement and provide external access to Olympus
  • Manage communications to all personnel throughout the incident

Partners Involved

Singlewire Software
Cisco Meraki

Practices Involved


Collaboration Made Seamless, Efficient and Effective

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Enterprise Cloud Deployments Combine Flexibility and Productivity

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A Range of Support and Procurement Services to Keep Businesses Thriving

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Physical and Cybersecurity Strategies to Safeguard Vital Assets

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Enterprise Networking & Wireless

Digitally Transforming Organizations

Netsync specializes in constructing complex Enterprise Networking and Wireless products and services that transform organizations.

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Customer Success Story

Case Study: Data Center Transformation Provides Streamlined Operations for Police Department

Large Texas Police Department Gets Data Center Upgrade and Leaves Network Headaches in the Dust