Alto Patient Experience
Providing an Exceptional Patient Experience

ALTO PX enables medical facilities and healthcare professionals to provide what every patient wants, yet rarely enjoys―an exceptional patient experience during one of the most vulnerable times in their life. And it’s been studied and well documented that patients with better healthcare experiences often have been health outcomes. ALTO PX is the perfect prescription.
ALTO PX provides patients with easy access to information, whether it relates to amenities, pain management, or a variety of tools and resources.
With ALTO PX, patients get:
- Immediate access to information, such as dietary needs and restrictions, physical therapy exercises, scheduling information, visiting times and more. X-rays and reports can be easily displayed onscreen in the patient room.
- Video chatting capabilities for communicating with medical professionals or family members.
- Easy Access to important information, such as issues related to health and wellness, chronic conditions, symptom information and post discharge care.
- The ability to easily connect with healthcare professionals such as doctors, nurses, physical therapists, nutritionists, even translators.
- Timely, informative engagements on wellness goals, the healing process and expectations, surveys and questionnaires.
- Integration services, including the ability to view menus and order food, verify dietary metrics and speak with a nutritionist.
- An array of entertainment options, including movies, TV shows, online games and Internet browsing.
With ALTO PX, healthcare professionals can:
- Monitor key performance indicators to ensure patients are receiving optimal care.
- Define and implement policy settings and monitor support metrics.
- Request services from housekeeping and facilities.
- Project test reports and X-rays onto each patient’s screen.
- Conduct video calls to patients’ rooms.
- Assign medical videos and deliver discharge checklists and questionnaires.
- Access and review patient information.
ALTO PX seamlessly integrates with electronic medical records, scheduling, and nutrition information systems, as well as online video collaboration applications like Cisco Jabber and Microsoft Skype.